Bouncer Changelog ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bouncer v1.10 - 01/11/2013 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Integrated support for Digest based proxy authentication. - Integrated support for NTLM based proxy authentication. - Updated User-Agent value to IE 10 instead of IE 6. - Renamed "tunnel" command line option to "proxy". - Added support for "--capture" option to save session output. - Fixed a Socks5 bug where it wasn't working for PuTTY. Bouncer v1.0 - 22/10/2013 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Updated to compile under Visual Studio 2012. Bouncer v1.0.RC6 (MileStone) - 25/04/2002 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Fixed --allow and --deny options as it was using an IP length of 8 characters and since my new stricter checking it will only copy the first 8 characters. - Fixed bind problem as it was setting SO_REUSEADDR after binding the socket. - Fixed problem of not transferring data through secure connections when using DNS. Moved back to using non-asynchronous DNS lookups as it was causing weird problems. Bouncer v1.0.RC5 (MileStone) - 08/04/2002 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Fixed --a_bind parameter passing bug. - Fixed all the potential remote and local exploits (there were a lot) - mainly with regard to overflowing buffers. Socks 5 routine had the major one which allowed you to write to any position in memory you wanted by constructing an interesting Socks 5 request. - Cleaned up socket error messages under Windows - Created some more source files to clean it up more - Timeout option now effects SSL Tunnelling as well as connects and socks - Fixed a couple of "weird things could happen" errors. Was checking the strlen of an uninitialised buffer before to see if the option was set. All buffers are now memset'd before anything is done with them - maybe a bit excessive. - Cleaned up Bouncer Admin with some cosmetic changes. - Fixed error routines under Windows as they stopped working properly - Cleaned up lame process cloaking under Linux - Added a few more binary builds to the list Bouncer v1.0.RC4 (MileStone) - 20/03/2002 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - SSL Tunnelling bug which would send Proxy-Authentication headers with garbage in them even if authentication was not enabled. - Posix Threads bug which did not check that all the dns helper threads had died before killing the main application. This could of left orphane/zombie processes on the system. - Command line parsing has become more strict and if a command is typed incorrectly then it will dump you back to the help screen. - Cleaned up the source code and adopted the approach of multiple sources files instead of the bad practice of just one. - Code has also been cleaned up more with respect to compiler errors and will now compile under gcc without any errors. - Changed timestamp format for --full-time back use 4 digit years to remove crappy compiler error Bouncer v1.0.RC3 (MileStone) - 17/03/2002 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Fixed a logfile bug which will write the help to a logfile if --logfile is specified and invalid options - Changed copyright on bouncer web server - Changed timestamp format - Changed SSL tunnelling headers to use Proxy-Connection: Close instead of Keep-Alive to stop hanging connections - Linux and Solaris versions now support asynchronous DNS lookups which makes the code completely non-blocking - Created a Logging section on the help screen - Added draft user guide Bouncer v1.0.RC2 (MileStone) - 23/02/2002 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Fixed DNS lookups under Linux and reverted back to gethostbyname() - Added --full-time option so it shows dates on the output as well - Added --c_bind to bind outgoing connections to an IP for machines with multiple ethernet adapters or multiple virtual ip's Bouncer v1.0.RC1 (MileStone) - 21/01/2002 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Socks 5 authentication completely re-written to RFC1928 and RFC1929 - Changed permissions that the logfile is generated with under Unix type environments - Fixed Windows 9x support ... I must of attempted to write that with my eyes closed before - Fixed DNS lookups and added gethostbyname_r support under Linux - SSL tunnelling with Socks 5 bug fixed. If SSL overflow was detected it was corrupting data and Socks 5 response was not being sent back. - No longer outputs SSL overflow detected messages as they are irrelevant. - Fixed weird compilation errors Bouncer v0.9.8 (MileStone) - 31/12/2001 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Shows Local Port On Accepted Connections - Let's You Know It Is Resolving A Hostname - Added --timeout Option To Set Connect And Socks 5 Time Out In Seconds (0 = Disabled, Default = 5) - Added --tcp_nodelay Option To Disable Nagle's Algorithm As It Is Now Enabled By Default - Cleaned Up The Rest Of The send()'s - Does Not Check Return Codes Anymore - Now Works Under Windows 9x/ME Completely As Asynchronous I/O Was Not Working Before - All SSL Tunnelling Code Has Been Re-Written And Is Now HTTP/1.1 Compliant To The RFC's - Added TCP Large Window, Window Shifting And RFC1323 Routines To Increase Transfer Speeds - Will Attempt To Allocate Up To 512KB Send And Receive Buffer - I Was Setting Socket Options On The Same Socket Twice Instead Of The Admin Socket - Windows Version Is Now Forced To Use C++ When Compiling - Various Windows Compiler Optimizations